New H840 casting machine from Bühler
The H840 casting machine from Bühler – for even better productivity.
In 2022, we, AMZ Weissenseer Präzisionsguss GmbH, were able to celebrate a powerful new addition to the machine park with the state-of-the-art Carat 840 die casting machine.
In October 2021, the Bühler Group launched the Carat 840 with clamping forces of up to 92,000 kilonewtons (kN). This solution makes it possible to produce parts in a single piece – so-called megacastings. Carat is a two-platen die casting solution and has been specially designed for the production of large and complex components, such as structural components that must meet the highest quality requirements.
Higher efficiency thanks to two-platen technology.
The two-platen solution enables the design of significantly smaller machines, so that higher casting performance can be achieved on the same available footprint. The compact design and high rigidity ensure more stable production processes, which reduces glitter formation and increases our productivity.
Intuitive control with DataView.
With DataView, our operators can easily control the die casting machine via the ergonomic user interface. Graphical representations and form program management reduce programming time by up to 25%. Via the touch screen, we can control the machine in real time and make settings directly.